Para mi Hermana Mayor

Your voice is music to me
You speak in lyrics that are meant to be heard
Your passions for others the harmonies
And your fight for advocacy the bridge
Although some resist to listen to your chords,
You lock into the hearts of the lonely
Your strength powers who you are
And inspires me daily.
Never stop fighting to make yourself heard.
You are a memorable song
A beautiful classic, for everyone to sing along.


your name is exactly who you are


your love healed everyone around you

keeping people alive with all the kisses you gifted

everyone loved you

and you loved everyone.

i sit in agony wishing you were still here.

i’ve screamed and yelled at the sky hoping you’d hear me

but all that comforts me are the tears you once licked off my face.

you were the one that comforted me when i felt nothing.

you were the one who comforted me when i mourned.

and now i sit alone mourning you.

i pray that you’re up in heaven with the rest of my family, comforting the uncle i lost earlier this year.

you will always be remembered as the pup whose heart was too big that it killed her.

i love you.

thanks for loving me.


a medias

aye bebé mira como lloras
pidiendo comida, abrazos, para ahora
así también yo lloro por la noche
pidiendo abrazos y amor sin reproche
Y tu no entiendes nada, asi te quedas
Tal como tu, asi me quedo, a medias.


Oh baby if only you could see yourself cry
Asking for food, hugs, for this moment
I cry too at night
Asking for hugs and love without reproach
You don’t understand anything, and you stay like that
Just like you, I stay, halfway


10.23.18- Although many of you don’t speak Spanish, writing in my first language never felt so good. The translation is a direct translation so it won’t have the same effect but I wanted to include you 🙂 – xo kei


Transitions are as blurry as the fog that rests in my car window at 6 am
As shaky as a skateboard to a beginner
And as prepared as a car with the gas blinker on


06/25/18 ~ We are never ready for transitions. As much as we try to prepare, we still end up running on empty.